AO-KOTE 1111 (Metal Top Coat) Two component, air drying, acrylic coating

AO-KOTE 1111 (Metal Top Coat)

Suitable epoxy primer, epoxy / polyurethane undercoat, dry & free from all surface contamination.

AO-KOTE 2222 (Plastic Top Coat) Two component, air drying, acrylic coating

AO-KOTE 2222 (Plastic Top Coat)

AO-KOTE 2222 is used to seal up the paint and add gloss to the surface.

AO-KOTE 3333 (Automotive Top Coat) Two component, air drying, acrylic coating

AO-KOTE 3333 (Automotive Top Coat)

AO-KOTE 3333 is a non pigmented PU to protect the underlying paintwork from element, staining and scratches.